Author Archives: Clinton Halladay

Mayors Have Heads in Sand

“Good Idea” – Not Good Enough!                                                                                    November 12, 2019 With reference to Sabrina Bedford’s article in the Recorder & Times “No Appetite for declaring climate emergency”, published November 5, 2019, it must have been quite a sight to have witnessed the majority of the mayors of Leeds & Grenville with their heads buried in

The Win Game

Written October 22, 2019 Clinton Halladay …Is the Win Really the Thing? “I am convinced that people are much better off when their whole city is flourishing than when certain citizens prosper but the community has gone off course. When a man is doing well for himself but his country is falling to pieces he

VOTE 2019

Written Wednesday October 15, 2019 Clinton Halladay King Lear, a tragedy written by William Shakespeare and first performed in 1606, centres on King Lear’s flaws: his arrogance, his ignorance and his misjudgements, each of which contributes to the other.  The moral of the play is “actions speak louder than words”.  Albeit having been penned over

A Sticky Situation

A Sticky Situation                                                                                                                    August 27, 2019 The following is an email I sent to Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario expressing my concerns over the anti-carbon tax gas stickers. I received an automated confirmation of my email; however, to date I have not had a reply from anyone. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario Legislative

A Blow to Free Speech

August 19, 2019 This article refers to the Elections Canada warning for charitable organizations to stay clear of the climate change debate! Can you believe it?  Canada has taken another ridiculous step into the realm of irresponsibility.  Elections Canada announced at a training session that Charitable Organizations who take a stand on Climate change could

Ryan Edward Anthony Halladay Lineage

The Narrative Lineage of Ryan Edward Anthony Halladay Prepared by Clinton Edward Halladay from various sources with acknowledgement to Russell Strong and the R.G. Strong Family Genealogy Web Site I have just recently begun to research my direct Halladay Family lineage and as a result there is much information yet to be unearthed and verified.

On the Right Track – Not

On the Right Track Survey Near the end of May many of you would have received a “on the right track…” survey questionnaire from Michael Barrett, Conservative MP for Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes, Ontario, and if you  do not live in that riding, from your Conservative Member of Parliament. The following is my email

The Spirit and the Addict

……..and the rain was cold, driven by the wind howling through the dark, dirty alley, biting her skin, soaking her ill-fitting cloths.  The shallow doorway provided little protection as she huddled, cold, wet and fragile, pulling her knees tightly against her chest for a bit of warmth, but more so for that tenuous feeling of

Ontario Education

Ontario Education, Oh My! March 26, 2019 Apparently students in the Ontario Elementary and Secondary Public School system, according to reports, are not faring well in standardized tests compared to the results of either previous years or global achievements. The Ontario Government has a solution.  Increase class sizes, reduce the number of teachers, restrict access

Health-Care, We Care, be Careful!

I have to admit I was asleep at the wheel at the onset of this one.  On day two of Premier Doug Ford’s reign, a Saturday of a long weekend no less, a brief news release slithered out of Health Minister Christine Elliott’s office declaring the Progressive Conservatives will fix the OHIP program to make