A Sticky Situation August 27, 2019
The following is an email I sent to Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario expressing my concerns over the anti-carbon tax gas stickers. I received an automated confirmation of my email; however, to date I have not had a reply from anyone.
Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario
Legislative Building, Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M7A 1A1 August 17, 2019
Gas Pump Stickers
Premier Ford:
The end of August is fast approaching, and with it the deadline for affixing your Anti-Carbon Tax stickers to every gas pump in Ontario.
First allow me to clearly establish that I am in no manner affiliated with any political party. I am, however, a proud Ontarian and Canadian who is deeply concerned with the present day echthrocracy. But that is a subject for another day. My message to you is about the anti-carbon tax gas pump stickers, not the carbon tax itself.
Mr. Ford you have the right to your opinion and to table legislation supporting what you believe to be the right for the people of Ontario. You do not have the right to use taxpayers’ money to further your political agenda. Notwithstanding the financial cost of the stickers may be minimal, the magnitude of this breach of ethics and integrity is priceless. Let’s take a look at the transgressions of this action:
- The “facts” purported are out-right lies;
- You have “cherry-picked” and presented only one side of the issue;
- The message is pure propaganda;
- You have used taxpayers’ money in campaigning and distributing propaganda for political gain;
- You have trampled individual freedom by legislating the stickers MUST be displayed;
- You have threatened small business gas station owners by levying fines for non-compliance.
My request of you, Mr. Ford, is to respond to the six points listed above. You continually speak of being for the people, and invite us to contact you directly; therefore, I prefer to not hear from your Press Secretary, your Head of Public Relations or any other of your spin doctors. I am respectfully asking you to respond personally to each of the above statements, as egregious as they are.
Thank you in advance
Clinton Halladay
Elgin, Ontario
A Proud Ontarian.