Author Archives: Clinton Halladay

Long-Term Care – A Call to Action

Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier, Minister of Health, Ontario Merrilee Fullerton, Minister of Long-Term Care, Ontario September 24, 2020 Long Term Care Needs You To Parliamentarians and Decision Makers: The onslaught of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) some seven months ago has shone the spotlight directly on the travesty existing in Long term Care

A Pivotal Moment

A Pivotal Moment                                                                                                     September 6, 2020 September 23, 2020 could well prove to be a pivotal moment for the future of Canada.  On September 23, 2020 the minority Liberal Government, following a period or prorogation, will table the Throne Speech which will in turn trigger a confidence vote. Without taking any political stand, neither

Let Them Eat Cake

Let Them Eat Cake!                                                                                                  August 16, 2020 The pandemic lockdown has exposed our weaknesses and shortcomings and compelled us to address them.  Leah Gazan, Winnipeg Centre MP (NDP), is paying attention and has taken positive action relating to system structured poverty.  “COVID-19 has demonstrated that we do have resources.  We must ensure all individuals in

A Matter of Interest

A Matter of Interest One Signature Can Save Us! Attention Citizens of Canada                                                                                     June 18, 2020 Do big numbers scare you?  If so, they should, especially when you are speaking of money! The Federal debt is hovering around $700 Billion, that’s $700,000,000,000, more or less depending on what calculation method you use, but be

Coronaviruses – Going Forward

Clinton Halladay                                                                                April 28, 2020 Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV) and Novel Coronavirus Disease 2019 (SARS-CoV-2[COVID-19]) are number five, six and seven of the seven identified coronaviruses since 1960, that infect people. What makes these three different, perhaps unique, from the other four, is they are

Crisis in Long Term Care

This letter was emailed to the provincial politicians and authorities:                 Clinton Halladay                 April 25, 2020 Honourable Elected Officials:            It is with both sadness and solace that I key this article.  Sadness at the loss of life being experienced due to the ravages of COVID-19 in some Long-Term Care (LTC) Homes, and solace that the

The Leader in You

The Leader in You:                                                                            April 17, 2020 It feels like we are war right now. But wars are won one battle at a time and the battle right now is stopping the spread of COVID-19. At this moment there is more at stake than ever before. The impact of COVID-19 is touching and will

A Lot to Learn

A Lot to Learn                                                                                             February 17, 2020 Bullies are not tolerated in the school yard, only in the Provincial Legislature. It has been over two decades since a full-scale teachers’ strike has occurred across the province. In October 1997 all teachers’ unions joined in solidarity against the government mandated restructuring of the education system.

The Law is the Law

Like it or Not, the Law is the Law                                                                February 17, 2020 You have a family home that has been in your family for years and years. You have decided to rent out a portion of it and, being the benevolent person you are, you agree that the tenant can make

Misleading and Dubious

The following is a response to Gwyn Morgan’s article in the Review-Mirror in which he blames the Liberal Party for Canada’s debt, claims the Conservative Party introduced balanced budgets and reduced the debt, and encourages privatization in support of corporations and the wealthy.                                                                                                                    December 3, 2019 Published December 5, 2019; Review-Mirror I reference Gwyn